Wednesday 5 September 2012

Misha - 01 (Adult themes)

While beginning Silvy's Storm I saw an exhibition of Quentin Blake's drawings and wanted to try some fast work. I decided to illustrate the Misha novel in pictures taking just moments for each with no second guessing. The pain was waiting for the watercolour to dry as it was in a sketchbook and I wanted to turn the pages. It gave just enough time to work out what to draw next. It shows up all kinds of things when you can't  rub out mistakes and refine shapes.

It's in the fast moving scenes that this quick way of working has an honesty that you lose with all that hatching I do nowdays. I hope you can join the dots with the images!


  1. Wow - these are gorgeous! Love the one with the dog (wolf?) in particular.

    1. I heard about the book from the papers at the time, a situation where the story seemed too far fetched to be true. As time went on Misha was able to give testimonials regarding events in the war that were verified giving some weight to her claims. I wanted to believe!
